Vital Statistics
Vital Statistics administers Alberta's Vital Statistics Act, Marriage Act, and Change of Name Act and regulations. These three acts regulate the registration of all vital events in Alberta, such as births, stillbirths, deaths, adoptions, marriages, and changes of name. Vital statistics also provide information to governments and approved health-related agencies for data exchange, comparison and research.

In addition, the Vital Statistics office is responsible for the registration of religious organizations and clergy to perform marriages, marriage commissioner appointments, provide burial permits, and disinter/reinter permits. The office also processes delayed registration events and amendments to event records.
Most Vital Statistics' services are provided through Red Deer Registries, which include the issuance of marriage licenses and applications for birth, marriage and death certificates. They will also provide photocopies of birth registration, stillbirth, marriage and death.
To obtain a Vital Statistics Certificate or Marriage Licence, you must provide identification.
When applying for a marriage licence, we require identification from both the bride and groom; you must both attend the registries office and swear an oath. If either the bride or groom has been previously married, we will require a copy of the Certificate of Divorce or Decree Absolute.
ments to event records.